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United Kingdom (Londen) 04


1993 - NUMBER 72

93.04.09 - English - Andy TEAGUE, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

Ethnic Group: First Results from the 1991 Census

An ethnic group question was included in the Census for the first time in 1991. This article gives an overview of the reasons for including the question and presents brief analyses of the first results. A comparison is also made between the Census and the Labour Force Survey - the only previous reliable source of information on ethnic group. (UNITED KINGDOM, POPULATION CENSUSES, ETHNIC GROUPS)

93.04.10 - English - Charlie OWEN, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, 27-28 Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AA (U.K.)

Using the Labour Force Survey to Estimate Britain's Ethnic Minority Populations

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is used by OPCS to estimate the size of Britain's ethnic minority populations. The most recent estimate gave a proportion lower than that found in the 1991 Census. This article looks at the basis of the LFS estimates and draws attention to some potential sources of bias in them. (UNITED KINGDOM, ETHNIC GROUPS, SURVEYS, CENSUSES, DATA EVALUATION)

93.04.11 - English - John HASKEY, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

First Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage: Birth Cohort Analyses

This article uses the birth cohort analysis to show the large variations in the patterns of first marriages, divorces, and remarriages since the early part of this century. (UNITED KINGDOM, FIRST MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, REMARRIAGE, COHORT ANALYSIS)

93.04.12 - English - John HASKEY, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

Lone Parents and Married Parents with Dependent Children in Great Britain: A Comparison of Their Occupation and Social Class Profiles

This article considers the occupation and social class distributions of both lone mothers and lone fathers and compares them with those of their counterparts in married couple families with dependent children. (UNITED KINGDOM, FAMILY, ONE-PARENT FAMILY, SOCIAL CLASS, OCCUPATIONS)

93.04.13 - English - Chris SHAW, Government Actuaries Department, 22 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

1991-Based National Population Projections for the United-Kingdom and Constituent Countries

The 1991-based national population projections, carried out by the Government Actuary in consultation with the Registrars General, are given in this article. Compared with the previous (1989-based) projections, important changes have been made to the underlying assumptions regarding future fertility, mortality, and migration, and these combine to produce some significant changes in the results of the projections. (UNITED KINGDOM, POPULATION PROJECTIONS)

1993 - NUMBER 73

93.04.14 - English - Jonathan BAILEY, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

1991 Census Results for Local Authority Districts in Great Britain

Summary statistics from the 1991 Census have been published for each of the counties of England and Wales, and for the regions and Island areas of Scotland. This article gives some key statistics for all local authority districts in Great Britain, contrasting areas with the most extreme values. The results show the variation in the social characteristics of people and households. (UNITED KINGDOM, POPULATION CENSUSES, LOCAL COMMUNITIES)

93.04.15 - English - Michael MURPHY and Ann BERRINGTON, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

Household Changes in the 1980's: A Review

In this article, changes in the household and family living arrangements of different age groups of men and women are examined using data from the 1981 and 1991 Labour Force Surveys and the key trends are identified. (UNITED KINGDOM, HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION, FAMILY COMPOSITION)

93.04.16 - English - Populations Statistics, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

Rebasing the Annual Population Estimates

The revised final, rebased, mid-1991 population estimates for England and Wales were recently published. This article describes what was involved in preparing these estimates and what further work is in progress. (UNITED KINGDOM, POPULATION ESTIMATES, post-censal estimates)

93.04.17 - English - Tim DEVIS, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

Measuring Mortality Differences by Cause of Death and Social Class Defined by Occupation

This article examines the use of existing data sources to study mortality trends by cause of death and by social class (as defined by occupation.) The strengths and weaknesses of each are discussed, and estimates made for two causes of male mortality ischaemic heart disease and stroke - for those aged 45-74 in 1971-75 and 1981-85. (UNITED KINGDOM, CAUSES OF DEATH, SOCIAL CLASS, DIFFERENTIAL MORTALITY)

93.04.18 - English - David BIRCH, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

Automatic Coding of Causes of Death

This article describes the development of a system to automate the procedures involved in the coding of causes of death for use in the office of Population Censuses and Surveys. (UNITED KINGDOM, CAUSES OF DEATH, CODING)

1993 - NUMBER 74

93.04.19 - English - Penny BABB, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

Birth Statistics 1992

This article examines the latest annual statistics for live births (1992) in England and Wales. These are compiled each year from information collected at birth registration for entry into the live birth and stillbirth registers, and from additional confidential particulars collected at the same time under the population (statistics) Acts of 1938 and 1960. (UNITED KINGDOM, VITAL STATISTICS, LIVE BIRTHS)

93.04.20 - English - Penny BABB, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

Teenage Conceptions and Fertility in England and Wales, 1971-91

This article focuses on the trends in teenage conceptions and fertility over the past twenty years. Recent trends have included a large increase in births outside marriage, and a corresponding decrease in births within marriage. Teenage fertility rates are compared with the rates in other countries in Western Europe. (UNITED KINGDOM, ADOLESCENT FERTILITY, ADOLESCENT PREGNANCY)

93.04.21 - English - Robert McMURRAY and Trevor EVANS, The Northern Ireland Census Office, Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3RA (Northern Ireland)

1991 Census of Population for Northern Ireland

Continuing the pattern of earlier censuses, the 1991 Census in Northern Ireland was taken on the same day as those in England and Wales, and Scotland. This article looks at the planning and geography and at the coverage. It also provides some key statistics for Northern Ireland. (NORTHERN IRELAND, POPULATION CENSUSES)

93.04.22 - English - Dawn HORNSEY, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

The Effects of Computerisation of the NHS Central Register on Internal Migration Statistics

The computerisation of the National Health Service Central Register resulted in a dip in the number of moves between Family Health Service Authorities as recorded for 1990. However, as this article explains, since then internal migration data have been of better quality and have shown an increase in movement of young adults over the last few years. (UNITED KINGDOM, POPULATION REGISTERS, COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERNAL MIGRATION)

93.04.23 - English - Dawn HORNSEY, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP (U.K.)

International Migration 1992

This article gives estimates of the inflow of new residents from abroad and the outflow of residents from the United Kingdom during 1992. The detailed data are based on the International Passenger Survey, a sample survey of passengers arriving at, and departing from, the main United Kingdom air and sea ports. (UNITED KINGDOM, INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION, SAMPLE SURVEYS)

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