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Belgium (Brussels) 38


1993 - NUMBER 1

93.38.21 - Dutch - Hans VAN DEN BREKEL and Hein MOORS, NIDI, Postbus 11650, 2502 AR Den Haag (Netherlands)

Attitudes towards Foreigners and Migration Policy (Opvattingen over buitenlanders en over migratiebeleid) (p. 1-24)

Attitudes towards the status of foreigners in Dutch society and towards migration policy and policy for ethic minorites have been part of the surveys on "Attitudes and opinions on aspects of the population issue" (MOAB) in 1986 and in 1990. Several topics which are part of the current social and political discussion, are dealt with: i.e. return migration, care facilities, cultural identity and diversity of ethnic minorities, integration, xenophobia and social tension, demographic consequences of immigration and - last but not least - the issue of controlling migration flows. (NETHERLANDS, OPINION SURVEYS, FOREIGNERS, ETHNIC MINORITIES, MIGRATION POLICY)

93.38.22 - Dutch - Gilbert DOOGHE, Afdelingshoofd Centrum voor Bevolkings- en Gezinsstudiën, Markiesstraat 1, 1000 Brussel (Belglium)

Expectancy of Life and Quality of Life (Levensverwachting en kwaliteit van het leven) (p. 25-44)

The indicators by which health is measured such as morbidity, dependence, dysfunctioning, etc., do not always cover the same content. Nor is there unanimity about the relationship between mortality and health. The data on illness and its consequences for the functioning in everyday life are often scarce and, if available, not always comparable with one another. The controversial opinions concerning the relationship between life expectancy and health are successively highlighted, after which various empirical data from international literature pass in review. Although the greatest possible carefulness must be observed, it appears from recent empirical material that in countries with a high life expectancy, each increase will be accompanied by a relatively sharp rise in the number of years of being in poorer health. (LIFE EXPECTANCY, HEALTH, MORBIDITY)

93.38.23 - Dutch - Rina F. DE VRIES

Education and Differences in Female Labour Force Participation and Fertility Behaviour (Opleiding en verschillen in arbeidsmarktparticipatie en vruchtbaarheidsgedrag van vrouwen) (p. 45-63)

In this article it is argued that the often noticed duality in patterns of female employment and fertility behaviour can be explained more satisfactorily by focussing on level of education attained. Proceeding from a lifecourse perspective, differences are expected as to choice of lifestyle, especially in the areas of work and family, between low and high educated women. An attempt is makde to clarify why differences in content and level of education give rise to diverging value orientations. The mechanisms through which education influences the nature and character of employment and fertility related decisions are elaborated on and discussed. Unevenly distributed abilities, as well as access to means to actualize behavioural intentions in the lifestyle, tend to reinforce educational level specific patterns of behaviour. (LEVELS OF EDUCATION, FEMALE EMPLOYMENT, FERTILITY)

93.38.24 - Dutch - Henk A. DE GANS, Vakgroep Planologie en Demografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, 1018 VZ Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Population Forecasting in the Netherlands between the Two World Wars (Bevolkingsprognoses voor Nederland in het interbellum) (p. 65-92)

In the Twenties of this century, mostly influenced by debates on the population problem, in the Netherlands a trendshift in the method of population forecasting took place. Starting from the year 1922 the method of geometrical population growth for forecasting the total population of the Netherlands became rapidly obsolete. The method of logistic population growth never found its way in the methodology of population forecasting. Holwerda, Oly (in 1924) and particularly Wiebols (in 1925) demonstrated that the role of the age/sex structure for future population development became of paramount importance in the process of population forecasting. In discussions on the methodology of population forecasting 't Hooft plaid an important part, although not always a positive one. However, his merits for the development of forecasting methodology in the Netherlands have been underestimated. (NETHERLANDS, METHODOLOGY, POPULATION PROJECTIONS)

93.38.25 - Dutch - Kène HENKENS, NIDI, Postbus 11650, 2502 AR Den Haag (Netherlands), and Jacques SIEGERS, Economisch Instituut / CIAV, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Kromme Nieuwegracht 22, 3512 HH Utrecht (Netherlands)

Early Retirement on Dutch Civil Servants (V.U.T. in beweging: resultaten van een onderzoek onder rijksambtenaren) (p. 93-106)

Since there is a possibility for older civil servants to leave the labour force via early retirement schemes, the popularity of those schemes has steadily grown. At the moment about 80% of those eligible for early retirement is intending to do so. In this article some descriptive analyses are presented on determinants of early retirement. Factors influencing early retirement are health, the perceived financial loss and the perceived attitude (positive or negative) of the partner. Only few civil servants intend to keep on working if their work tasks would change. (NETHERLANDS, AGE AT RETIREMENT, CIVIL SERVANTS)

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