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1994 - VOLUME 4, NUMBER 9

95.67.1 - Dutch - H. NICOLAAS A slight increase in immigration, despite a sharp increase in the number of people requesting political asylum (Geringe stijging immigratie ondanks flinke toename aantal asielzoekers in 1993)

The international migration balance of The Netherlands in 1993 was both positive and higher than that of 1992. In the year 2000, some 30% of population growth in the country will be due to external migration. The author lists the level, trends and certain specific characteristics of some of the traditional migratory flows (Dutch Antilles, Belgium, Surinam, ex-Yugoslavia, Turkey and Morocco). The numbers requesting political asylum are higher than ever before (35,000). (NETHERLANDS, IMMIGRATION, POLITICAL ASYLUM)

95.67.2 - Dutch - W.D. VAN HOORN Living alone: Choice or fatality (Alleenwonen: uit vrije wil of tegen wil en dank)

In The Netherlands, the increase in the number of young people living alone is the main cause of the increase in the number of households. According to the Dutch Survey on Family and Fertility 1993, only a minority of these people living alone wish to remain so. The author has suggested a typology for this population, based on the opinions and expectations which people have with regard to their way of life. The main factors associated with their current isolation are higher education, the absence of religion and residence in large urban areas. But opting for this way of life definitively is a reply to other, more individual, determinants. (NETHERLANDS, SINGLE PERSONS)

95.67.3 - Dutch - R.F.J. TAS The continued decline in nuptiality rates amongst non-Dutch in 1993 (De huwelijksgeneigdheld van niet-Nederlanders is in 1993 weer verder gedaald)

In some 13% of the marriages in The Netherlands, at least one of the partners was not Dutch. Most of the Turks and Moroccans who live in The Netherlands get married in their own country or at their consulate. After standardising for numbers and the age structures of the sub-populations in question, it was observed that the nuptiality rates of foreigners on Dutch territory are highest amongst Turks and lowest amongst Europeans. The nuptiality rates have dropped more for foreigners, compared to 1992, than they have for Dutch nationals. (NETHERLANDS, FOREIGNERS, NUPTIALITY RATE)

95.67.4 - Dutch - C.J.M. PRINS and C.N. HARMSEN Population statistics after implementation of the law on computerised municipal population records (GBA) (Bevolkingsstatistieken na de inwerkingtreding van de Wet GBA)

On October 1st, 1994, the old central population register (on paper) was to be replaced by a new decentralised, computerised system, known as GBA. The Central Statistical Office will now receive individual data from each commune by means of a telecommunications network. In the past, communes used to transmit information on demographic events to the Central Office; now, it is data on individuals which they will be transmitting, which will require procedures for the reconstitution of the links between individual data sets (for example, on two spouses upon getting married). Technical tests have shown that the new system is capable of establishing demographic statistics and that no delays or lack of continuity should occur. In the mid-term, Dutch demographic statistics will become more sophisticated and will be more quickly updated. (NETHERLANDS, DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS, POPULATION REGISTERS, COMPUTER SCIENCE)

1994 - VOLUME 42, NUMBER 10

95.67.5 - Dutch - R.F.J. TAS Population originating from Surinam and the Dutch Antilles, residing in The Netherlands as of January lst, 1994 (Surinaamse en Antilliaanse bevolking in Nederland, 1 januari 1994)

The number of people born in Surinam and who live in The Netherlands has been estimated at 183,000. If the children of women born in Surinam are added to this group, there is a total of 258,000 Surinamese. In the same way, there are 65,000 "Antillese" in the country. These two groups together represent 2.2% of the country's population. The author compares the demographic profile of these two minorities to that of the Dutch population. (NETHERLANDS, SURINAME, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, IMMIGRANTS, DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILES)

95.67.6 - Dutch - A.H. SPRANGERS Migrations to join the rest of the family or to get married, 1987-1991 (Gezinsherenigende en gezinsvormende migratie, 1987-1991)

Dutch statistics on international migration do not make any distinction between the various motivations behind migration, such as going to rejoin one's family or getting married. The author was therefore obliged to make indirect estimates based on the characteristics of the migrants as supplied by municipal population records. He highlights the methodological issues raised by such data and the hypotheses on which he based his calculations. He has estimated that, in 1991, 14,000 foreign immigrants arrived to rejoin their families, while 19,000 came to get married. The former type of migration is on the decline while the latter is increasing. (NETHERLANDS, IMMIGRATION, ESTIMATES, FAMILY REUNIFICATION, MARRIAGE)

1994 - VOLUME 42, NUMBER 11

95.67.7 - Dutch - A.H. DE JONG Trends in the activity rates of mothers of families (Ontwikkelingen in de arbeidsparticipatic van moeders)

The occupational activities of mothers after the birth of their first child have increased over the last ten years. These activity rates can vary, sometimes significantly, depending on the timing of the birth, the mother's age and her level of education. These determinants also have an impact on the mother's propensity to return to economic activity after the birth of her last child. (NETHERLANDS, FEMALE EMPLOYMENT, CHILD REARING)

95.67.8 - Dutch - W.D. VAN HOORN Quite often, single mothers did not grow up within a proper family (Alleenstaande moeders zijn vaak buiten een gezin opgegroeid)

Since 1960, single parents (with no spouse) have been less and less often widows or widowers and more and more often, divorcees (50% at present). The proportion of single parents who have never married has increased very slightly. Today, as in the past, 85% of single parents are women. It happens relatively often that women who did not spend their childhood within a family environment will later become single mothers. Their average income is very much lower than that of other family types. The proportion of single mothers is highest amongst women from Surinam, the least well educated group of women and women of no religious persuasion. (NETHERLANDS, ONE-PARENT FAMILY)

95.67.9 - Dutch - H. NICOLAAS Demographic trends in the four large cities is mainly determined by external migration (Bevolkingsontwikkeling vier grote gemeenten vooral bepaald door buitenlandse migratie)

From 1990 to 1993, the population of The Netherlands increased by 448,000 inhabitants and more than half of this number was due to natural growth. The four largest cities were also affected by population growth, mainly migratory in origin and of which the majority was due to foreigners. (NETHERLANDS, METROPOLIS, POPULATION GROWTH, IMMIGRATION)

1994 - VOLUME 42, NUMBER 12

95.67.10 - Dutch - W.D. VAN HOORN Demographic estimates for 1994: A decline in the migratory balance (Demografische ramingen voor 1994: laagste migratiesaldo sinds 1985)

Based on the figures for the first eight months of 1994, the author has estimated the numbers of births, deaths, marriages and migratory movements for the whole year. He foresees slightly more births than in 1993 and slightly fewer deaths, a slight increase in emigration rates, but significantly less immigration. Population growth in 1994 will therefore be less significant than in 1993. (NETHERLANDS, ESTIMATES, POPULATION SITUATION)

95.67.11 - Dutch - R.F.J. TAS Foreigners in The Netherlands as of January lst, 1994 (Niet-Nederlanders op 1 january 1994)

5.1% of the population of The Netherlands is made up of foreigners. The author has divided this group into nationality groups and examines the demographic and social characteristics of the largest groups, describing their development trends over recent years. (NETHERLANDS, FOREIGNERS, DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILES)

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