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Mexico (Mexico City) 24



99.24.1 - Spanish ? Dominique TABUTIN, Institut de d?mographie, Universit? catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)

Information systems in demography (Sistemas de informaci?n en demograf?a) (p. 377-426)

This article reflects on the importance of information systems, not only as part of demographic work, but also as a starting point for all research. The author studies the utility and analytical validity of these systems, which, despite being challenged in demographic studies, are applicable in all the social sciences. (DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, METHODOLOGY)

99.24.2 - Spanish ? Adriana LARRALDE C., Programa de Investigaci?n Metropolitana de la Universidad Aut?noma Metropolitana, Monterrey (Mexico)

Daily transportation among the inhabitants of the Monterrey Metropolitan Zone (Los desplazamientos cotidianos de los habitantes en el ?rea Metropolitana de Monterrey) (p. 473-520)

The two aims of this article are to identify patterns of daily geographical mobility among the people who live in the Monterrey Metropolitan Zone (MMZ) and, more particularly, from the perspective of urban segregation, to analyze if the population has an unequal geographical access to the city, a differentiated articulation in terms of geographical distance, transportation time and mobility rate, according to the income level of the inhabitants. The basic material used to carry out this work was a data base on metropolitan transportation, collected through the 1991 Encuesta Oiigen y Destino (Departure and Destination Survey) for the MMZ. (MEXICO, METROPOLIS, COMMUTING, URBAN TRAFFIC)

99.24.3 - Spanish ? Jos? Antonio TRUJEQUE D?AZ, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Direcci?n Regional Nuevo Laredo (Mexico)

Political and social dynamics of popular urbanization in Nuevo Laredo (1990-1995) (Din?micas pol?tica y social de la urbanizaci?n popular en Nuevo Laredo (1990-1995)) (p. 521-548)

This work reviews the factors that participate in the expansion of irregular settlements in the city of Nuevo Laredo. The central hypothesis is that popular urbanization in Nuevo Laredo has gone through three stages. The first one is characterized by the state and municipal governments' authoritarian responses to a settlement fostered by PARM, an appositional political party. The second stage is characterized by the autonomy granted to the djidatarios (owners of djidos) to sell part of their lands. In the third stage, speculation or acquisition of more than one property becomes a motive for the appearance of the more recent irregular settlements. (MEXICO, URBAN ENVIRONMENT, IMMIGRATION, URBANIZATION, HOUSING POLICY)

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