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Acceptance on spacing methods of contraception in municipal corporation of Delhi (29.8)

Assessing the impact of a family planning nurse training program in Egypt (88.25)

Birth spacing dynamics in China: The cases of Hebei and Shaanxi provinces (88.26)

Comparing the Peru Service Availability module and Situation Analysis (18.32)

Fertility and family planning in Vietnam: Evidence from the 1994 inter-censal demographic survey (18.28)

Helping the news media cover family planning (78.1)

Impact of some demographic variables and family planning programme on fertility in Madhya Pradesh through indirect techniques (29.6)

The effect of operations research on program changes in Bangladesh (18.34)

The ethics of population control in rural China, 1979-1992 (94.1)

The Hungarian fertility policy (03.4)

The impact of outreach on the continuity of contraceptive use in rural Bangladesh (18.36)

Using operations research to guide family planning program development and policy formulation in sub-Saharan Africa (88.24)

Utilisation of primary health care services in a rural set-up (29.9).


Contemporary International Migration and Migration Policy (69.1)

Ethics, national sovereignty and the control of immigration (11.52)

Mass exoduses: The response of the United States (11.56)

Nuptiality, fertility, use of contraception, and family policies in Uzbekistan (58.33)

Singapore's "three or more" policy: The first five years (85.15)

Solidarity as a component of a population policy (03.2)

The Hungarian fertility policy (03.4)

The population policy in the opinion of women who have decided on a termination of their pregnancy (03.3).


Acceptance on spacing methods of contraception in municipal corporation of Delhi (29.8)

Notes for a multi-disciplinary study of female sterilization (24.9)

Nuptiality, fertility, use of contraception, and family policies in Uzbekistan (58.33)

Pretransition marital fertility variation over time: Was there deliberate control in England? (12.7)

The impact of outreach on the continuity of contraceptive use in rural Bangladesh (18.36)

The impact of the quality of family planning services on contraceptive use in Peru (18.33)

The spread of condoms: Contraception and prevention (86.7)

Thinking of England and taking care: Family building strategies and infant mortality in England and Wales, 1891-1911 (94.5).


Detecting induced abortions from reports of pregnancy terminations in DHS calendar data (18.31)

On substituting sex preference strategies in East Asia: Does prenatal sex selection reduce postnatal discrimination? (17.12)

Sex ratio at birth in China, with reference to other areas in East Asia: What we know (85.11)

The population policy in the opinion of women who have decided on a termination of their pregnancy (03.3).


Breast-feeding in Bangladesh: Patterns and impact on fertility (85.14)

Infant feeding practices in Viet Nam (85.13)

To nurse the young: Breastfeeding and infant feeding in late imperial China (12.10).


Premarital sexual experience of married women in Kinshasa, Zaire (55.34).


An analysis of factors related to parity among the Amish in Northeast Ohio (58.41)

Birth intervals regarding infant mortality and extramarital reproduction in a Spanish rural community (55.31)

Birth spacing dynamics in China: The cases of Hebei and Shaanxi provinces (88.26)

Brazil's fertility decline, 1965-95: A fresh look at key factors (17.9)

Breast-feeding in Bangladesh: Patterns and impact on fertility (85.14)

Childbearing motivation and its measurement (55.35)

Childlessness, subfertility, and infertility in Tanzania (18.29)

Cohort fertility of Serb and ethnic Albanian women in FR Yugoslavia (03.1)

Comparison between fertility transitions in China and Taiwan from a historical perspective (15.1)

Cumulative fertility in Iran (14.33)

Fertility and family planning in Vietnam: Evidence from the 1994 inter-censal demographic survey (18.28)

Fertility and the distribution of child mortality risk among women: An illustrative analysis (58.43)

Fertility decline in Kinshasa (58.34)

From latent surplus to changing norms: Fertility behavior of the Israeli Bedouin along the nomadism-sedentarism continuum (14.27)

Illegitimate fertility decline in England, 1851-1911 (12.17)

Impact of some demographic variables and family planning programme on fertility in Madhya Pradesh through indirect techniques (29.6)

Is fertility in China in 1991-92 far below replacement level? (58.30)

Mortality, fertility, and gender bias in India: A district-level analysis (17.2)

Nuptiality, fertility, use of contraception, and family policies in Uzbekistan (58.33)

Pretransition marital fertility variation over time: Was there deliberate control in England? (12.7)

Singapore's "three or more" policy: The first five years (85.15)

Subsequent pregnancy affects morbidity of previous child (55.32)

The desire for children in Austria (43.20)

The effect of fertility reductions on infant and child mortality: Evidence from Matlab in rural Bangladesh (58.32)

The fiftieth anniversary of the baby boom (86.17)

The stability of cohabitation relationships: The role of children (93.46)

The story of a 'maverick': Bulgaria's fertility decline (12.3)

Values and fertility change in Japan (58.29)

Whose reality? Local perceptions of fertility versus demographic analysis (58.40)

Women's work, autonomy, and birth control: Evidence from two South Indian villages (58.38).


Ideal-family-size and sex-composition preferences among wives and husbands in Nepal (18.37)

Using fertility surveys to evaluate an indirect method for detecting fertility control: A study of cohort parity analysis (58.36).


Childlessness, subfertility, and infertility in Tanzania (18.29)

Proximate determinants of birth seasonality and conception failure in Nepal (58.39).


Adoption as an heirship strategy under demographic constraints: A case from nineteenth-century Japan (12.12)

Birth, marriage and death in illegitimacy: A study in Northern Portugal (55.33)

Birth spacing and infant and early childhood mortality in a high fertility area of Bangladesh: Age-dependant and interactive effects (55.28)

Changes in norms and behavior concerning extended kin in Taipei, Taiwan, 1963-1991 (14.25)

Children in single-mother families, economic insecurity, and policy dilemmas (07.2)

Cohabitation, marriage, and entry into motherhood (93.44)

Comparing family systems in Europe and Asia: Are there different sets of rules? (17.7)

Economic welfare of Canadian children: Change and implications for social policy (07.3)

Family economic strategies in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Indianapolis (12.1)

Household size, household structure, and developmental cycle of a Japanese village: Eighteenth to nineteenth centuries (12.11)

Household structure and labor markets in postwar Japan (12.5)

Ideal-family-size and sex-composition preferences among wives and husbands in Nepal (18.37)

Kinship and modernization in developing societies: The emergence of instrumentalized kinship (14.23)

Nuclear versus quasi-stem families: The new Chinese family model (12.14)

Recent change and the periodization of American family history (12.15)

Remarriage, stepchildren, and marital conflict: Challenges to the incomplete institutionalization hypothesis (93.50)

Sex preference for children in Thailand and some other South-Esat Asian countries (85.12)

Social sources of change in children's home environments: The effects of parental occupational experiences and family conditions (93.41)

The geography of dual career households: A research agenda and selected evidence from secondary data sources for Britain (94.3)

The importance of children for elderly people and changes in reproductive behavior. Study carried out in three Mexican rural communities (24.12)

The living arrangements and economic well-being of American children (07.1)

University modernizing effects on Libyan family and culture (14.24).


Approaches to low-income groups' sexuality: A comparative study of three low-income contexts in Peru (24.11)

Availability of offspring and the household position of elderly women: Iceland, 1901 (12.8)

Correlates of marital status among African American mothers in Chicago neighborhoods of concentrated poverty (93.43)

Do female-headed households have different shelter needs than men? The case of Monrovia, Liberia (14.34)

Factors related to union formation among single mothers in Canada (93.51)

Gender ideology, marital disruption, and the employment of married women (93.40)

Health programs, maternal education, and differential child mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh (17.4)

Home work: An examination of the sexual division of labor in the urban households of the East Indian and African Guyanese (14.29)

Issues in measuring maternal morbidity: Lessons from the Philippines Safe Motherhood Survey Project (18.30)

Marital status as a factor in the structure of the family solidarity network (43.17)

Marriage formation, post-marital contact with natal kin and autonomy of women: Evidence from two Nepali settings (58.31)

Migration and social gender relations: The anthropological perspective (24.10)

Migration and women's status: The Jordan case (51.19)

Mortality, fertility, and gender bias in India: A district-level analysis (17.2)

Mothers' labor force participation in New York City: A reappraisal of the influence of household extension (93.47)

On substituting sex preference strategies in East Asia: Does prenatal sex selection reduce postnatal discrimination? (17.12)

Sex preference in South Asia: Sri Lanka an outlier (85.10)

Sexual inequality and female inequality (86.11)

Social sources of change in children's home environments: The effects of parental occupational experiences and family conditions (93.41)

Socioeconomic and familial status of women associated with age at first marriage in three Islamic societies (14.32)

The Cairo Conference on Population and Development: A new Paradigm? (43.15)

The politics of the revival of infant abandonment in China, with special reference to Hunan (17.10)

The social context of married women's work and its impact on Black husbands and White husbands (93.48)

What do education and work mean? Education, nonfamilial work/living experiences and premarital sex for women in Taiwan (14.31)

Women, population and development (86.14)

Women's work, autonomy, and birth control: Evidence from two South Indian villages (58.38).


A note on remarriage reporting in the 1910 US census (12.16)

Assessing longitudinal change in marriage: An introduction to the analysis of growth curves (93.71)

Belief and behavior: Does religion matter in today's marriage? (93.58)

Cohabitation, marriage, and entry into motherhood (93.44)

Cohabitation and divorce in Canada: Testing the selectivity hypothesis (93.52)

Correlates of marital status among African American mothers in Chicago neighborhoods of concentrated poverty (93.43)

Determinants of child custody arrangements at divorce (93.59)

Factors related to union formation among single mothers in Canada (93.51)

French people by marriage and their spouses. A diverse and changing situation (30.21)

Gender ideology, marital disruption, and the employment of married women (93.40)

Marital status as a factor in the structure of the family solidarity network (43.17)

Marriage, sex, and mortality (93.56)

Marriage and militance in a working-class district of St. Petersburg, 1896-1913 (12.2)

Marriage as a pure relationship: Exploring the link between premarital cohabitation and divorce in Canada (14.30)

Marriage formation, post-marital contact with natal kin and autonomy of women: Evidence from two Nepali settings (58.31)

Medieval monogamy (12.9)

Modeling family dynamics with event history techniques (93.70)

Modelling parallel and interdependent processes in demography (43.18)

Nuptiality patterns and household structure on the Greek island of Mykonos, 1849-1959 (12.4)

Premarital sexual experience of married women in Kinshasa, Zaire (55.34)

Reconceptualizing marital status as a continuum of social attachment (93.42)

Remarriage, stepchildren, and marital conflict: Challenges to the incomplete institutionalization hypothesis (93.50)

Rural economy and male marriage in China: Jurong, Jiangsu 1933 (12.13)

Sex linked versus autosomal inbreeding coefficient in close consanguineous marriages in the Basque Country and Castille (Spain): Genetic implications (55.27)

Socioeconomic and familial status of women associated with age at first marriage in three Islamic societies (14.32)

The divorce process and young children's well-being: A prospective analysis (93.60)

The effect of marriage, family, and religious ties on African American suicide ideology (93.45)

The effect of no-fault divorce law on the divorce rate across the 50 states and its relation to income, education, and religiosity (93.55)

The incidence and frequency of marital sex in a national sample (93.57)

The retreat from marriage: Its effect on unmarried children's exchange with parents (93.53)

The social context of married women's work and its impact on Black husbands and White husbands (93.48)

The stability of cohabitation relationships: The role of children (93.46)

Towards a demo-anthropological perspective on nuptiality and its relationship with new reproductive patterns (24.8).


A note on remarriage reporting in the 1910 US census (12.16)

Birth, marriage and death in illegitimacy: A study in Northern Portugal (55.33)

Report on the population situation of Germany in 1995 (43.14)

Vital statistics in the United States: Preparing for the next century (63.1).


A review of the health of our children, decennial supplement (04.3)

Are we healthier? (04.1)

Australian trends in mortality by socioeconomic status using NSW small area data, 1970-89 (55.30)

Birth intervals regarding infant mortality and extramarital reproduction in a Spanish rural community (55.31)

Birth spacing and infant and early childhood mortality in a high fertility area of Bangladesh: Age-dependant and interactive effects (55.28)

Fertility and the distribution of child mortality risk among women: An illustrative analysis (58.43)

From inoculation to vaccination: Smallpox in Sweden in the 18th and 19th centuries (58.42)

Global trends in AIDS mortality (17.8)

Health programs, maternal education, and differential child mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh (17.4)

Impact of health education on AIDS awareness among rural community (29.10)

Infant mortality in Europe and Canada: A resolved problem? (07.6)

Infant mortality in the USSR in 1979-1980. Results of an unpublished survey (46.9)

Issues in measuring maternal morbidity: Lessons from the Philippines Safe Motherhood Survey Project (18.30)

Knowledge, attitude and job practices of auxiliary staff in context of HIV/AIDS in a large hospital in Delhi (29.11)

Long life and retirement (86.16)

Long-term care: demographic and financial implications (47.6)

Marriage, sex, and mortality (93.56)

Mortality, fertility, and gender bias in India: A district-level analysis (17.2)

Mortality in regions and local authority districts in the 1990s: Exploring the relationship with deprivation (04.2)

Sex preference in South Asia: Sri Lanka an outlier (85.10)

Study of causes of maternal mortality at sub-district level (29.7)

Subsequent pregnancy affects morbidity of previous child (55.32)

The effect of fertility reductions on infant and child mortality: Evidence from Matlab in rural Bangladesh (58.32)

The effect of marriage, family, and religious ties on African American suicide ideology (93.45)

The microeconomics of the AIDS epidemic in Africa (17.5)

The spread of condoms: Contraception and prevention (86.7)

The survival of the elderly (86.8)

Thinking of England and taking care: Family building strategies and infant mortality in England and Wales, 1891-1911 (94.5)

Utilisation of primary health care services in a rural set-up (29.9)

Vietnamese casualties during the American war: A new estimate (17.3).


A review of the health of our children, decennial supplement (04.3)

Availability of offspring and the household position of elderly women: Iceland, 1901 (12.8)

Children and the law: The search for status (07.4)

Children in single-mother families, economic insecurity, and policy dilemmas (07.2)

Economic welfare of Canadian children: Change and implications for social policy (07.3)

Factors that predispose middle-aged sons and daughters to provide social support to older parents (93.54)

Health programs, maternal education, and differential child mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh (17.4)

Infant mortality in Europe and Canada: A resolved problem? (07.6)

Infant mortality in the USSR in 1979-1980. Results of an unpublished survey (46.9)

Parental work, family structure, and poverty among Latino children (93.49)

Social sources of change in children's home environments: The effects of parental occupational experiences and family conditions (93.41)

State influence on the health of the child (07.5)

The divorce process and young children's well-being: A prospective analysis (93.60)

The effect of fertility reductions on infant and child mortality: Evidence from Matlab in rural Bangladesh (58.32)

The importance of children for elderly people and changes in reproductive behavior. Study carried out in three Mexican rural communities (24.12)

The living arrangements and economic well-being of American children (07.1)

The status and specific problems of elderly foreigners in the Federal Republic of Germany (14.36)

The survival of the elderly (86.8)

Towards a sociological definition of contemporary childhood: An broader concept of parenting (07.7).


A demo-geographical development model: The town and country planning scheme for Serbia (03.7)

Long-term care: demographic and financial implications (47.6).

17. MISCELLANEOUS (Other population trends)

All the countries of the world - 1995 (86.10)

Before the torment: The population situation in Algeria in 1992 (86.13)

Demographic processes in post-Soviet time and space (86.20)

Economic swings and demographic changes in the history of Latin America (58.35)

Serb population in former SFR Yugoslavia (03.5)

The results and the unanswered questions in historical demographic with respect to population numbers during the Arpadian era (47.8).


Beyond the enlightenment mentality: A Confucian perspective on ethics, migration, and global stewardship (11.47)

Black markets in foreign exchange and international migration: The case of Egypt 1976-1990 (51.17)

Catalanism and the migratory system (30.26)

Contemporary International Migration and Migration Policy (69.1)

Cultural minority rights for immigrants (11.53)

East-west migration in Europe 1918-1993 (30.17)

Emigration and immigration in Greece: Recent trends and political aspects (30.32)

Emigration dynamics: The Indian context (51.28)

Emigration dynamics from and within South Asia (51.27)

Emigration dynamics in Bangladesh (51.30)

Emigration dynamics in developing countries (51.21)

Emigration dynamics in Pakistan (51.31)

Emigration dynamics in Southern Africa (51.26)

Emigration dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa (51.22)

Emigration dynamics in West Africa (51.24)

Emigration dynamics of Eastern African countries (51.23)

Emigration from the Sahel (51.25)

Environmental and ethical aspects of international migration (11.50)

Environmental concerns and international migration (11.49)

Ethics, national sovereignty and the control of immigration (11.52)

Forced homecoming: Ghanaians' resettlement in their rural hometowns. A case study (51.15)

Foreign doctors in French hospitals (30.22)

Foreign immigration in Spain (1985-1994) (30.24)

French presence in Malagasy culture (30.23)

How labour market experiences of migrants differ: Australia and Austria compared (51.13)

Immigrants and accommodation (86.9)

Immigrants and their Children (86.6)

Immigration and the ethics of choice (11.48)

Immigration impacts on internal migration of the poor: 1990 census evidence for US States (94.4)

Indian communities in Lisbon (30.31)

International migration and sustainable human development in Eastern and Southern Africa (51.12)

Italian emigration: Historiography, anthropology and comparative esearch (30.15)

Jewish ethics and international migration (11.45)

Linking political violence and refugee situations in the Horn of Africa: An empirical approach (51.18)

Mass exoduses: The response of the United States (11.56)

Migrant selectivity and returns to skills: The case of Taiwanese immigrants in the United States (51.20)

Migration and women's status: The Jordan case (51.19)

Movement, asylum, borders: Christian perspectives (11.44)

Occupational continuity and change among immigrant physicians from the former Soviet Union in Israel (51.11)

Polish New immigration in Spain (30.28)

Portugal in the face of immigration (30.30)

Portuguese migration in Spain (30.29)

Problems and policies regarding the socio-economic integration of returnees and foreign workers in Greece (51.16)

Public expenditures on immigrants to the United States, past and present (17.11)

Quebecers, foreigners or citizens? (30.18)

Realistic and idealistic approaches to the ethics of migration (11.51)

Refugees throughout the world (86.21)

The cooperation agreements between Spanish State and the Islamic Commission in Spain (30.27)

The economic, demographic, sociocultural and political setting for emigration from Sri Lanka (51.29)

The Islamic conception of migration (11.46)

The living conditions of immigrants from Africa and Latin America in Barcelona (30.25)

The migration of the Jews from the former Soviet Union: A new challenge for Israel? (30.16)

The number of foreign children and its significance for population trends in the ex-Lander (43.19)

The results and the unanswered questions in historical demographic with respect to population numbers during the Arpadian era (47.8)

The right of repatriation - Canadian refugee policy: The case of Rwanda (11.55)

The status and specific problems of elderly foreigners in the Federal Republic of Germany (14.36)

The world economic system and international migration in less developed countries: An ecological approach (51.14)

What happened to seekers of asylum in France in 1990? (30.20).


Immigration impacts on internal migration of the poor: 1990 census evidence for US States (94.4)

Migration and social gender relations: The anthropological perspective (24.10)

Migration and the life course: Mobility in Haut Bugey, Fance, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (12.6)

Migration theories and behavioral models (94.2)

Socio-economic change and migration in China (47.11)

Study of probabilistic modelling in out-migration system (69.2).


Attitudes and sex-role perceptions among working couples in India (14.26)

Foreign doctors in French hospitals (30.22)

Gender ideology, marital disruption, and the employment of married women (93.40)

Household structure and labor markets in postwar Japan (12.5)

How labour market experiences of migrants differ: Australia and Austria compared (51.13)

Long life and retirement (86.16)

Migrant selectivity and returns to skills: The case of Taiwanese immigrants in the United States (51.20)

Mothers' labor force participation in New York City: A reappraisal of the influence of household extension (93.47)

Occupational continuity and change among immigrant physicians from the former Soviet Union in Israel (51.11)

Parental work, family structure, and poverty among Latino children (93.49)

Problems and policies regarding the socio-economic integration of returnees and foreign workers in Greece (51.16)

Social security and laissez faire in eighteenth-century political economy (17.1)

The effects of demographic trends on unemployment (43.16)

The geography of dual career households: A research agenda and selected evidence from secondary data sources for Britain (94.3)

The social context of married women's work and its impact on Black husbands and White husbands (93.48)

What do education and work mean? Education, nonfamilial work/living experiences and premarital sex for women in Taiwan (14.31)

Women's work, autonomy, and birth control: Evidence from two South Indian villages (58.38).


Australian trends in mortality by socioeconomic status using NSW small area data, 1970-89 (55.30)

Black markets in foreign exchange and international migration: The case of Egypt 1976-1990 (51.17)

Comparison between fertility transitions in China and Taiwan from a historical perspective (15.1)

Economic swings and demographic changes in the history of Latin America (58.35)

Family economic strategies in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Indianapolis (12.1)

Feeding the world's population in 2050 (86.18)

Immigration impacts on internal migration of the poor: 1990 census evidence for US States (94.4)

Indian communities in Lisbon (30.31)

Joining the homeless: neither a fatality nor a chance happening (86.19)

Long-term care: demographic and financial implications (47.6)

Parental work, family structure, and poverty among Latino children (93.49)

Population and poverty in classical theory: Testing a structural model for India (58.37)

Public expenditures on immigrants to the United States, past and present (17.11)

Socio-economic change and migration in China (47.11)

The Cairo Conference on Population and Development: A new Paradigm? (43.15)

The importance of children for elderly people and changes in reproductive behavior. Study carried out in three Mexican rural communities (24.12)

The living arrangements and economic well-being of American children (07.1).


An analysis of factors related to parity among the Amish in Northeast Ohio (58.41)

Approaches to low-income groups' sexuality: A comparative study of three low-income contexts in Peru (24.11)

Attitudes and sex-role perceptions among working couples in India (14.26)

Belief and behavior: Does religion matter in today's marriage? (93.58)

Brazil's fertility decline, 1965-95: A fresh look at key factors (17.9)

Catalanism and the migratory system (30.26)

Changes in norms and behavior concerning extended kin in Taipei, Taiwan, 1963-1991 (14.25)

Children and the law: The search for status (07.4)

Children in single-mother families, economic insecurity, and policy dilemmas (07.2)

Cohort fertility of Serb and ethnic Albanian women in FR Yugoslavia (03.1)

Cultural minority rights for immigrants (11.53)

Economic welfare of Canadian children: Change and implications for social policy (07.3)

Factors that predispose middle-aged sons and daughters to provide social support to older parents (93.54)

Fertility decline in Kinshasa (58.34)

French people by marriage and their spouses. A diverse and changing situation (30.21)

French presence in Malagasy culture (30.23)

From latent surplus to changing norms: Fertility behavior of the Israeli Bedouin along the nomadism-sedentarism continuum (14.27)

Home work: An examination of the sexual division of labor in the urban households of the East Indian and African Guyanese (14.29)

Housework in Canada: The national picture (14.28)

How to describe the minority groups (86.15)

Joining the homeless: neither a fatality nor a chance happening (86.19)

Kinship and modernization in developing societies: The emergence of instrumentalized kinship (14.23)

Marriage and militance in a working-class district of St. Petersburg, 1896-1913 (12.2)

Minority practices and principles of toleration (11.54)

Public expenditures on immigrants to the United States, past and present (17.11)

Quebecers, foreigners or citizens? (30.18)

Sex preference for children in Thailand and some other South-Esat Asian countries (85.12)

Sex preference in South Asia: Sri Lanka an outlier (85.10)

Sex ratio at birth in China, with reference to other areas in East Asia: What we know (85.11)

Sexual inequality and female inequality (86.11)

Social security and laissez faire in eighteenth-century political economy (17.1)

Socioeconomic stratification in family research (93.64)

State influence on the health of the child (07.5)

The Cairo Conference on Population and Development: A new Paradigm? (43.15)

The cooperation agreements between Spanish State and the Islamic Commission in Spain (30.27)

The divorce process and young children's well-being: A prospective analysis (93.60)

The effect of marriage, family, and religious ties on African American suicide ideology (93.45)

Towards a sociological definition of contemporary childhood: An broader concept of parenting (07.7)

University modernizing effects on Libyan family and culture (14.24)

Values and fertility change in Japan (58.29)

What do education and work mean? Education, nonfamilial work/living experiences and premarital sex for women in Taiwan (14.31)

Women, population and development (86.14).


Environmental and ethical aspects of international migration (11.50)

Environmental concerns and international migration (11.49)

Population, households, and CO2 emissions (17.6).


Dysgenic fertility for criminal behaviour (55.29)

Sex linked versus autosomal inbreeding coefficient in close consanguineous marriages in the Basque Country and Castille (Spain): Genetic implications (55.27)

25. MORTALITY (Methodology)

Age patterns and time sequence of mortality in national populations with the highest expectation of life at birth (17.13)

Issues in measuring maternal morbidity: Lessons from the Philippines Safe Motherhood Survey Project (18.30).

26. NUPTIALITY (Methodology)

An empirical investigation of sampling strategies in marital research (93.62)

Assessing longitudinal change in marriage: An introduction to the analysis of growth curves (93.71)

Modeling family dynamics with event history techniques (93.70)

Modelling parallel and interdependent processes in demography (43.18)

Towards a demo-anthropological perspective on nuptiality and its relationship with new reproductive patterns (24.8).


28. MISCELLANEOUS (Methodology)

Accompanying thought to a psycho-anthropological approach to population studies (24.7)

Action-oriented research: Models and methods (93.65)

Alternative methods for the quantitative analysis of panel data in family research: Pooled time-series models (93.69)

A model for the analysis of paired data (93.67)

A tutorial in logistic regression (93.66)

Changing paradigm in demography (46.0)

Childbearing motivation and its measurement (55.35)

Comparing the Peru Service Availability module and Situation Analysis (18.32)

Detecting and correcting attrition bias in longitudinal family research (93.63)

Detecting induced abortions from reports of pregnancy terminations in DHS calendar data (18.31)

Italian emigration: Historiography, anthropology and comparative research (30.15)

Migration theories and behavioral models (94.2)

Procreation and succession of generations (24.6)

Recent change and the periodization of American family history (12.15)

Reporting and interpreting results in family research (93.68)

Reweighting DHS data to serve multiple perspectives (18.35)

Socioeconomic stratification in family research (93.64)

Study of probabilistic modelling in out-migration system (69.2)

The Reverend Jean-Louis Muret (1715-1796) (46.11)

Understanding and evaluating qualitative research (93.61)

Utilizing data from multiple family members: A within-family approach (93.72).


Children and the law: The search for status (07.4)

Cultural minority rights for immigrants (11.53)

Environmental and ethical aspects of international migration (11.50)

Environmental concerns and international migration (11.49)

Ethics, national sovereignty and the control of immigration (11.52)

Immigration and the ethics of choice (11.48)

Jewish ethics and international migration (11.45)

Movement, asylum, borders: Christian perspectives (11.44)

Realistic and idealistic approaches to the ethics of migration (11.51)

Recognition of cultural and religious diversity in the educational systems of liberal democracies (30.19)

The ethics of population control in rural China, 1979-1992 (94.1)

The Islamic conception of migration (11.46)

The right of repatriation - Canadian refugee policy: The case of Rwanda (11.55)

What happened to seekers of asylum in France in 1990? (30.20).

30. MISCELLANEOUS (Other themes)

Adoption as an heirship strategy under demographic constraints: A case from nineteenth-century Japan (12.12)

A population of sports practitioners and their itineraries: Riders with a permit (46.10)

Beyond the enlightenment mentality: A Confucian perspective on ethics, migration, and global stewardship (11.47)

Black markets in foreign exchange and international migration: The case of Egypt 1976-1990 (51.17)

Forced homecoming: Ghanaians' resettlement in their rural hometowns. A case study (51.15)

French people by marriage and their spouses. A diverse and changing situation (30.21)

Linking political violence and refugee situations in the Horn of Africa: An empirical approach (51.18)

Marital status as a factor in the structure of the family solidarity network (43.17)

Population in town and country planning: Spatial organisation and citizens' participation (03.8)

Problems and policies regarding the socio-economic integration of returnees and foreign workers in Greece (51.16)

Recognition of cultural and religious diversity in the educational systems of liberal democracies (30.19)

Reconceptualizing marital status as a continuum of social attachment (93.42)

Solidarity as a component of a population policy (03.2)

The ethnic composition of the population in the communities of Kosovo-Metohija and Voivodina, 1981-1991 (03.6)

The incidence and frequency of marital sex in a national sample (93.57)

The politics of the revival of infant abandonment in China, with special reference to Hunan (17.10)

Well-being among caregivers of indigent Black elderly (14.35)

What is the purpose of the demographer? (86.12)

Whose reality? Local perceptions of fertility versus demographic analysis (58.40).

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