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Assessing family planning service-delivery practices: The case of private physicians in Jamaica (18.40)

Developing a culturally appropriate family planning program for the Navrongo experiment (18.38)

Family planning in Africa: Old belief and new perspective (92.7)

Fertility of rural China. Effects of local family planning and health programs (89.16)

Improving the medical care and counseling of postabortion patients in Egypt (18.41)

Men and family planning: Toward a policy of male involvement (36.3)

Shaping the nation state: Ethnicity, class and the New Population Policy in Singapore (94.10)

The role of religion in the construction of the small family norm in Java, Indonesia (95.5)

The spread of family planning in Thailand (96.7).


Aging in Japan: Population policy implications (33.5)

Factors influencing the policy responses of host governments to mass refugee influxes (11.65)

How nation-states create and respond to refugee flows (11.79)

Perón and the entry of German technicians and nazi collaborators, 1947-1949: A case of chain migration (40.8)

Prioritising priorities: Pacific island population developments and their implications for public policy (81.1).


Assessing family planning service-delivery practices: The case of private physicians in Jamaica (18.40)

A study of some of the factors relating to contraceptive use in an urban slum (29.15)

Awareness of different contraceptive methods among current family planning acceptors in urban Pondichery (29.14)

Birth control in a Polish town of the pre-industrial age (90.23)

Contraceptive choice in Indonesia: 1987 and 1991 (95.1)

Explaining contraceptive use differences: Do men play a role? (92.8)

Family planning and women's lives: The Malaysian case (95.6)

Family planning in Africa: Old belief and new perspective (92.7)

Fertility control early in marriage in Ireland a century ago (89.21)

Multi-media campaigns, interpersonal contacts and contraceptive behaviour in Southwest Nigeria (92.10).


Area differentials of sex imbalance in birth (34.7)

Improving the medical care and counseling of postabortion patients in Egypt (18.41).



Factors influencing the interval between marriage and first birth. A study in Bangladesh (46.0)

Meeting the needs of young adults (78.2).


Birth control in a Polish town of the pre-industrial age (90.23)

East German fertility after unification: Crisis or adaptation? (17.19)

Estimation of parity progression ratios from the distribution of births by order and age of the mother (36.12)

Factors influencing the interval between marriage and first birth. A study in Bangladesh (46.0)

Fertility decline in Indonesia 1971-1991 (95.3)

Fertility of rural China. Effects of local family planning and health programs (89.16)

From Malthusian frontier to demographic steady state: The Concordian birth rate, 1635-1993 (17.14)

Impact of sibling size on contemporary eligible couples' family size norm (36.5)

Research review 2: A fertility transition in sub-Saharan Africa? (94.6)

Son preference in Vietnam (18.39)

The demographic transition in the Korean peninsula, 1910-1990: South and North Korea compared (33.1)

The effects of fertility compression on birth sequence and age composition in Taiwan: A simulation (60.6)

The fertility transition in Iran (46.20)

The value of children at the advent of fertility decline in Java (95.8).


Estimation of parity progression ratios from the distribution of births by order and age of the mother (36.12)

Fertility decline in Indonesia 1971-1991 (95.3).


Determinants of maternal care in a region of South India (57.22)

Estimation of fecundability of migrated couples in the process of rural out-migration in India (36.10)

On the estimates of the fecundability from inter-live birth interval data (36.9).


Age at marriage and the first birth interval: The emerging change in sexual behavior among young couples in China (17.17)

Birth control in a Polish town of the pre-industrial age (90.23)

Changing family patterns in Europe: A case of divergence? (65.5)

Co-residence of household heads with parents in Japan: A multivariate explanation (94.13)

Elderly poverty alleviation through living with family (89.19)

Factors affecting fertility preference in Bangladesh: A multivariate analysis (36.2)

From minimal household units to household projections: An application to Canadian data (07.9)

Impact of sibling size on contemporary eligible couples' family size norm (36.5)

Main results of the First National Survey on the Family in Japan, 1993 (32.3)

Single-parent households in Taiwan: Estimation from one percent 1990 census data (60.1)

Taking charge of children in urban area in Thailand (96.4)

The dynamic household as a logical concept and its use in demography (65.14)

The social factors of family pathology (69.5)

Towards a projection of families according to their principal characteristics (07.8)

Trade-offs in the family: Sibling effects on daughters' activities in 1910 (09.33).


A study of the health status of female construction workers in Metropolitan Bangkok (96.8)

An integrated path analysis approach to study the variation in the age of female nuptiality of Orissa (36.4)

Argentina: Risk factors and maternal mortality in La Matanza, Province of Buenos Aires, 1990 (77.1)

Changing ascribed lifestyle of illiterate village women into healthy life events through information, education and communication intervention (29.13)

China: Epidemiology of pregnancy-induced hypertension (77.2)

China: Lowering maternal mortality in Miyun County, Beijing (77.3)

Demography and aging: Long term effects of divorce, early widowhood, and migration on resources and integration in old age (33.8)

Dependency structure of the elderly: An examination of women's social position in Taiwan (60.4)

Ethiopia: An epidemiological study of vesico-vaginal fistula in Addis Ababa (77.4)

Family planning and women's lives: The Malaysian case (95.6)

Female literacy as a determinant of socio-demographic status and infant survival (29.16)

Guatemala: Maternal mortality in Guatemala: Assessing the gap, beginning to bridge it (77.7)

Guinea-Bissau: Maternal mortality assessment (77.8)

Guinea-Bissau: What women know about the risks. An anthropoligical study (77.9)

Labour markets, community, family: A gendered analysis of the process of insertion and acculturation (40.23)

Lao People's Democratic Republic: Maternal mortality and female mortality. Causes of death (77.10)

Main results of the First National Survey on the Family in Japan, 1993 (32.3)

Mexico: Maternal death, fertility patterns, and social cost. An anthropoligical study (77.11)

Migration and marriage among Puerto Rican women (11.60)

Pakistan: Consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction with maternal and child health services (77.13)

Pakistan: The Faisalabad Obstetric Flying Squad (77.12)

Population issues and women in China : A family and lineage approach (32.4)

Social context, household composition and employment among migrant and nonmigrant Dominican women (11.57)

Sudan: Situational analysis of maternal health in Bara District, North Kordofan (77.14)

The diversity of reproductive trajectories and the institutional interactions (24.18)

The dual strategy: Motherhood and the work contract in Scandinavia (65.10)

The employment of married women in Taiwan: Its patterns and causes (60.5)

The Gambia: Cost and effects of a mobile maternal health care service, West Kiang (77.6)

The Gambia: Evaluation of the mobile health care service in West Kiang (77.5)

Trade-offs in the family: Sibling effects on daughters' activities in 1910 (09.33)

Women bankers: Families of Southern Italians who emigrated to Argentina and transfers of money prior to 1930. The Molfetta example (50.5).


Again on marriage patterns of migrants and their children: Piedmontese and Leonese immigrants in Trenel (La Pampa, Argentina), 1911-1940 (40.7)

A marriage trichotomy and its applications (09.31)

Analysing home-ownership of couples: The effect of selecting couples at the time of the survey (65.11)

An integrated path analysis approach to study the variation in the age of female nuptiality of Orissa (36.4)

Beyond the melting pot: Marriage, family strategies and social networks in two generations of Italians and Spaniards (Rosario, 1895-1925) (40.8)

Demography and aging: Long term effects of divorce, early widowhood, and migration on resources and integration in old age (33.8)

Dissolution of marriage and union in Québec: An economic model of duration (08.27)

Dissolution of premarital cohabitation in Canada (09.30)

Factors influencing the interval between marriage and first birth. A study in Bangladesh (46.0)

Family planning and women's lives: The Malaysian case (95.6)

Forms of conjugal life among the "young elderly" (46.0)

Hispanic intermarriage in New York City: New evidence from 1991 (11.59)

Marital status and earnings in developed countries (89.17)

Migration and marriage among Puerto Rican women (11.60)

Mixed couples in France (01.43)

Single-parent households in Taiwan: Estimation from one percent 1990 census data (60.1)

The 1990 Indonesian census: Preliminary indications of positive demographic trends in West Java (95.9)

The age of contracting marriages in Lvov in the period of 1857-1939 (90.25)

Why marry? Race and the transition to marriage among cohabitors (09.29).


Evaluating the Slavonian census of 1698. Part I: Structure and meaning (65.6)

Evaluating the Slavonian census of 1698. Part II: A microsimulation test and extension of the evidence (65.12)

Population from foreign origine: International comparability of the data (01.30)

Population on the Polish territory during World War I and the Polish State in the years 1919-1939 (90.20)

Reconciliating population censuses with birth, death, and migratory statistics through an expolinomial function (24.16)

Statistics of population and demographic development of the Congress Kingdom of Poland 1815-1900 (90.18)

The heel of Europe sources, methods and statistical categories on the immigrant population in Italy (01.31).


A study of the health status of female construction workers in Metropolitan Bangkok (96.8)

Argentina: Risk factors and maternal mortality in La Matanza, Province of Buenos Aires, 1990 (77.1)

Cause-specific mortality of african children. A case study in Senegal based on the "verbal autopsy" approach (46.0)

Changing ascribed lifestyle of illiterate village women into healthy life events through information, education and communication intervention (29.13)

China: Epidemiology of pregnancy-induced hypertension (77.2)

China: Lowering maternal mortality in Miyun County, Beijing (77.3)

Conceptual problems of adult mortality observation in Africa (92.11)

Continuing the search for a law of mortality (17.15)

Determinants of maternal care in a region of South India (57.22)

Differentiated mortality in reproductive-age women (24.17)

Ethiopia: An epidemiological study of vesico-vaginal fistula in Addis Ababa (77.4)

Fathers' perception of child health: A case study in a squatter settlement of Karachi, Pakistan (57.25)

Fluctuation of deaths and its causes in Wielkopolska in the years 1816-1871 (90.21)

Geriatric problems in the coming decade and their remedies: Thailand, a case study (96.1)

Guatemala: Maternal mortality in Guatemala: Assessing the gap, beginning to bridge it (77.7)

Guinea-Bissau: Maternal mortality assessment (77.8)

Guinea-Bissau: What women know about the risks. An anthropoligical study (77.9)

Intra-urban differentials in child health (57.24)

Lao People's Democratic Republic: Maternal mortality and female mortality. Causes of death (77.10)

Maternal education and health-related behaviors: A preliminary analysis of the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey (95.2)

Meeting the needs of young adults (78.2)

Mexico: Maternal death, fertility patterns, and social cost. An anthropoligical study (77.11)

Mobility, love and vulnerability: Sexua1 lifestyles of young and single factory workers in Thailand (94.7)

Differential mortality in Norway according to causes of death: 1970-85 (65.9)

Nutritional status of refugee children: The case of Liberians in Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire and Somalians in Ethiopia (92.13)

Pakistan: Consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction with maternal and child health services (77.13)

Pakistan: The Faisalabad Obstetric Flying Squad (77.12)

Reclassifying causes of death to study the epidemiological transition in The Netherlands, 1875-1992 (65.13)

Socio-demographic characteristics and mortality of Members of Parliament in Quebec in the 19th and 20th centuries. A cohort analysis (46.0)

Socio-economic differences in mortality. A life course approach (65.7)

Soviet repression of the Poles on the Eastern border during the Second World War (69.8)

Sudan: Situational analysis of maternal health in Bara District, North Kordofan (77.14)

The cultural, social and attitudinal context of male sexual behaviour in urban south-west Nigeria (57.26)

The different factors which affect the utilisation of hospital resources by in-patients of a large general city hospital (29.12)

The diversity of reproductive trajectories and the institutional interactions (24.18)

The effects of access to health care on infant mortality in Indonesia (57.23)

The Gambia: Cost and effects of a mobile maternal health care service, West Kiang (77.6)

The Gambia: Evaluation of the mobile health care service in West Kiang (77.5)

The impact of cancer on the New Zealand population (81.4)

The mortality situation in Cameroon (92.12).


Ageing in the United States at the end of the century (33.6)

Aging in Japan: Population policy implications (33.5)

Aging in the United Kingdom: A review of demographic trends, recent policy developments and care provision (33.4)

Analysis of trends in inter-prefectural migration in Japan, 1954-1993 (32.5)

An analysis of life satisfaction determinants among elderly persons in Korea (34.5)

Cause-specific mortality of african children. A case study in Senegal based on the "verbal autopsy" approach (46.0)

Co-residence of household heads with parents in Japan: A multivariate explanation (94.13)

Dependency structure of the elderly: An examination of women's social position in Taiwan (60.4)

Destination preferences and motives of senior and non-senior inter-provincial migrants in Canada (08.28)

Development strategies for the silver industry in Korea (34.8)

Early retirement or prolonged working life? Aspirations of unionized professionals aged 50 years and over (07.16)

Elderly poverty alleviation through living with family (89.19)

Ethnic concentration in French-language schools on the island of Montreal: A statistical portrait (07.19)

Fathers' perception of child health: A case study in a squatter settlement of Karachi, Pakistan (57.25)

Forms of conjugal life among the "young elderly" (46.0)

Gender differences in income amount and composition of American elderly (34.6)

Geriatric problems in the coming decade and their remedies: Thailand, a case study (96.1)

Innovative strategies for comparative aging research (33.3)

Intra-urban differentials in child health (57.24)

Living arrangements and economic support for the elderly in Taiwan (60.3)

Nutritional status of refugee children: The case of Liberians in Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire and Somalians in Ethiopia (92.13)

Old-age support system and policy reform in China (33.7)

Policy tasks for the extension of retirement: Age and the promotion of continuous employment of the paid older workers (34.9)

Programmes encouraging early retirement: Business strategies and individual options (07.18)

Taking charge of children in urban area in Thailand (96.4)

The abilities of the aged to participate in various activities in Thailand: Research result (96.2)

The casualties of Canada's dualist pension policy (07.15)

The comparative study on ageing factors between Taipei city and Taiwan's rural area (60.2)

The effects of access to health care on infant mortality in Indonesia (57.23)

The effects of fertility compression on birth sequence and age composition in Taiwan: A simulation (60.6)

The presence of foreigners and intercultural education initiatives in primary schools in Trentin (50.8)

Transformations in the transition between work activity and retirement in Europe: New stakes for social security (07.14)

Understanding aging in Korea (33.9).


Changes in the demography of Romania. Past trends, 1948-1994, and futures perspectives, 1995-2030 (46.0)

Demographic perspectives and forecasts of the demand for electricity (07.11)

Demographics and the potential demand for housing: A cohort approach (07.10)

Demographic variables and social dependency: Annual and intergenerational comparisons (07.17)

From minimal household units to household projections: An application to Canadian data (07.9)

Longitudinal analysis of trends in the spatial distribution of the Japanese population: The process of population concentration in the Tokyo region and future prospects (32.6)

Population projections of registered Indians in Canada, 1991-2015 (07.12)

The effects of fertility compression on birth sequence and age composition in Taiwan: A simulation (60.6)

Towards a projection of families according to their principal characteristics (07.8).

17. MISCELLANEOUS (Other population trends)

Changes in the demography of Romania. Past trends, 1948-1994, and futures perspectives, 1995-2030 (46.0)

Demographic analysis of parish registers of the Lower Silesian parish of Rzasnik of the 1794-1874 years (90.27)

Natural movement of inhabitants of Opole in the years 1851-1913 (90.26)

The 1990 Indonesian census: Preliminary indications of positive demographic trends in West Java (95.9)

The demographic factor in Ireland's movement towards partition (1697-1921) (46.21).


"Circulation" and urban spaces. Differences between group of migrants (50.2)

Accomodation, housing and settling of north African people in France (01.35)

Admission criteria and immigrant earnings profiles (11.64)

Again on marriage patterns of migrants and their children: Piedmontese and Leonese immigrants in Trenel (La Pampa, Argentina), 1911-1940 (40.7)

Asian student migration to Australia (51.34)

Asia on the move: Research challenges for population geography (94.11)

Between speech and action: Migration policy in Argentina and Syrian and Lebanese immigrants (50.3)

Beyond the melting pot: Marriage, family strategies and social networks in two generations of Italians and Spaniards (Rosario, 1895-1925) (40.8)

Black African families in Paris area: From the "ethnic", category to the concrete "African" groups (01.37)

Bolivians in Buenos Aires: Their occupational and cultural integration (40.2)

Bread and tea: A study of the integration of low-income immigrants from other Caribbean territories into Trinidad (11.77)

Chinese or New Zealander? Differential paths of adaptation of Hong Kong Chinese adolescent immigrants in New Zealand (81.2)

Components of refugee adaptation (11.66)

Contemporary American attitudes toward U.S. immigration (11.63)

Emigration, return, immigration: A review and evaluation of Greece's postwar experience of international migration (94.15)

Emigration and living standards in Ireland since the Famine (89.20)

Entrepreneurial behavior in an immigrant colony. The experience of San Francisco's Italian-Americans 1850-1940 (50.6)

Ethnicity, identities, and migrations of the German-speaking settlers in Misiones, Argentina (40.8)

Factors influencing the policy responses of host governments to mass refugee influxes (11.65)

Failure to absorb: Remigration by immigrants into Israel (11.75)

Families between France and Portugal (01.52)

Finding good opportunities within unauthorized markets: U.S. occupational mobility for male Latino workers (11.73)

Foreigners in local politics. A case study on town polls in the Villarino district (province of Buenos Aires) (40.10)

Foreign labour in a context of unemployment (01.44)

France in the transnational Turkish space (01.56)

From Cote d'Ivoire to Italy. Migratory practices of the people of Burkina-Faso and State logic (50.14)

From Ellis Island to LAX: Immigrant prospects in the American city (11.81)

From sailboat to steamship: Vessel modernization and Galician emigation to America, 1835-1939 (40.11)

Frontier migration and employment in Argentina: Facts and questions (40.25)

Generations stemming from Polish immigration in the period between the two World Wars (01.42)

German immigration in Brazil and Brazilian colonization policy (40.16)

Hispanic intermarriage in New York City: New evidence from 1991 (11.59)

How nation-states create and respond to refugee flows (11.79)

Immigrants, Germans and national identity in the new Germany: Some policy issues (94.12)

Immigrants' children schooling in the educational district of Versailles: In search of context effects (01.48)

Immigrants and origin territory: The Portuguese village (01.53)

Immigrants and trade opportunities in São Paulo. The Syrian and Lebanese (40.19)

Immigrants and work in Lombardy. Towards resolving the issue of dual inequality (50.10)

Immigrant small business and international economic linkage: A case of the Korean wig business in Los Angeles, 1968-1977 (11.61)

Immigration, mutualism and identity: São Paulo, 1890-1935 (40.22)

Immigration and entrepreneurship the Chinese small business in France (01.46)

Immigration and labour: Australian and Canada compared (40.24)

Immigration in the long term: The Greek diaspora in France (01.51)

India-born immigrants in Australia and Canada: A comparison of selected characteristics (51.36)

Internal migration of the foreign-born in Canada (11.68)

International labour migration. Policy options for sending and receiving countries (50.1)

International migration between Canada and Mexico: Retrospects and prospects (08.29)

Interrelationships between cultural aspects and employment determinants in the integration of immigrants (50.16)

Italian border workers in the Swiss canton of Tessin (50.7)

Italians in Campana (1875-1895). Political power and economic power of an immigrant group: A case study (40.4)

Italians in Nogent, past and present (01.40)

Italians in São Paulo. Dimensions of Italian immigration in São Paulo in 1920 (40.18)

Italian surnames and Italian migration to France 1891-1940 (46.22)

Japan's growing economic activities and the attainment patterns of foreign-born Japanese workers in the United States, 1979 to 1989 (11.62)

Japanese immigration in Brazil. A story of social upward mobility (40.20)

Korean workers in the Argentine labour market (40.26)

Labor immigration and capital flows: Long-term Australian, Canadian and United States experiences (11.74)

Labor market issues in Indonesia: An analysis in a globalization context (95.4)

Labor migration as a prelude to World War I (11.72)

Labour crunch, foreign workers and policy responses: The experience of Japan (51.35)

Labour market incorporation of young migrants and young people from a foreign origin (01.47)

Labour markets, community, family: A gendered analysis of the process of insertion and acculturation (40.23)

Life and image of Jews in Brazil: Questions and inferences (40.14)

Life context of immigrants in France: A typology (01.34)

Metropolitan characteristics and entrepreneurship among immigrants and ethnic groups in Canada (11.67)

Migradollars and development: A reconsideration of the Mexican case (11.58)

Migrating to learn and learning to migrate: A study of the experiences and intentions of international student migrants (94.9)

Migration and its risks (11.80)

Migration and marriage among Puerto Rican women (11.60)

Migration flows foreigners and immigrants (01.33)

Migration strategies and ethnic networks: the people of Burkina-Faso and Senegal in Italy (50.13)

Migratory process and present trends of the Lebanese immigration in France (01.50)

Mutual-social action of Spanish migrant associations: A historical explanation (40.12)

Nationality, birth place and other approaches: Comparative relevance to analyze schooling in France (01.27)

New research on the settling of the North American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries and some comments on migration in modern times (50.11)

Notions of home: The Caribbean migrants in France (01.54)

Occupational activity of Portuguese immigrants in France (01.45)

Perón and the entry of German technicians and nazi collaborators, 1947-1949: A case of chain migration (40.8)

Population from foreign origine: International comparability of the data (01.30)

Population in trans-border regions: The Southern California-Baja California urban system (11.78)

Primary social networks, spatial mobility and social integration of immigrants in Argentina. The French in Tandil, 1850-1914 (40.9)

Questions of emigration, circulation and return: Mobility between the French Caribbean and France (94.8)

Refugees and myths: A systematic review of the debate on the multi-cultural society (50.4)

Self-selection, earnings and Chicano migration: Differences between return and onward migrants (11.76)

Social context, household composition and employment among migrant and nonmigrant Dominican women (11.57)

Social-occupational mobility of Jews at Villarino, Argentina, 1905-1950 (40.27)

Some problems regarding the study of Czech emigration to Latin America (40.6)

Soviet repression of the Poles on the Eastern border during the Second World War (69.8)

Spanish immigrants in Brazil (40.17)

Sport used as a means of integrating immigrants' Children (01.49)

Statistical Survey Sources about Immigrated Persons in France (01.25)

Statistical systems and sources used in recent researches on immigration in the United States (01.28)

Territories and memory: Armenians in the Paris region (01.41)

The "Baedeker of progress": Italian visitors and model institutions in Buenos Aires, 1907-1910 (40.13)

The "Geographic mobility and social integration" survey: A challenge to customary practice in the French data production (01.26)

The acquisition of language skills by immigrants: The case of Hebrew in Israel (51.32)

The circular migration of Puerto Rican women: Towards a gendered explanation (51.33)

The distribution of people from foreign origin in France (01.32)

The first transatlantic transfer: Spanish migration to the New World, 1493-1810 (40.8)

The heel of Europe sources, methods and statistical categories on the immigrant population in Italy (01.31)

The immigration and integration of Polish Jews in Brazil, 1920-1935 (40.5)

The invisible remittances. Some notes on the socio-political incidence of overseas migration in Galicia (1890-1930) (40.3)

The middleman minority characteristics of Korean immigrants in the United States (33.2)

The permanent determinants of Polish international migration (69.6)

The Portuguese Community of Cerizay (01.38)

The presence of foreigners and intercultural education initiatives in primary schools in Trentin (50.8)

The Senegalese in Cote d'Ivoire confronted with the redefinition of an Ivory identity (50.12)

The violin that would only play Polish. From stigma to the re-making of identity among the Poles in Paraná (40.15)

Turkish immigrants in Western Europe and, more specifically, in Germany (50.15)

Two sides of the same coin: The recreation of racial prejudice and national prejudice in the República Velha (40.21)

Unintended consequences of immigration reform: Discrimination and Hispanic employment (09.36)

Urban aspects of labor force migration: The situation in the countries of origin (24.21)

West Indian women overseas (01.55)

Where do American live abroad? (11.71)

Who came to New Zealand? New light on the origins of British settlers, 1840-1889 (81.3)

Women bankers: Families of Southern Italians who emigrated to Argentina and transfers of money prior to 1930. The Molfetta example (50.5)

Workers from non-European Union countries in Italy: A review of the literature and an attempt at verifying some hypotheses (50.9).


"Circulation" and urban spaces. Differences between group of migrants (50.2)

Accomodation, housing and settling of north African people in France (01.35)

Analysis of trends in inter-prefectural migration in Japan, 1954-1993 (32.5)

Black African families in Paris area: From the "ethnic", category to the concrete "African" groups (01.37)

Daily migration of Poland's rural population in the country's new socio-economic context (69.7)

Demographic aspects of urbanisation. The Kingdom of Poland 1870-1914 (90.22)

Demographic transformation and internal migrations in Poland in the 19th century (90.19)

Destination preferences and motives of senior and non-senior inter-provincial migrants in Canada (08.28)

Development and regional urbanization in Mexico, 1970-1990 (24.22)

Estimation of fecundability of migrated couples in the process of rural out-migration in India (36.10)

From Ellis Island to LAX: Immigrant prospects in the American city (11.81)

Gender, values, and intentions to more in rural Thailand (11.69)

Immigration in the long term: The Greek diaspora in France (01.51)

Internal migration of the foreign-born in Canada (11.68)

Life context of immigrants in France: A typology (01.34)

Longitudinal analysis of trends in the spatial distribution of the Japanese population: The process of population concentration in the Tokyo region and future prospects (32.6)

Migration, urbanization, and economic development in India (95.7)

Migration flows foreigners and immigrants (01.33)

Migration statistics in Germany: Sources, concepts and selected results (01.29)

Mobility, love and vulnerability: Sexua1 lifestyles of young and single factory workers in Thailand (94.7)

Modelling on rural out-migration system: A probabilistic approach (33.11)

Occupational attainments of rural to urban temporary economic migrants in China, 1985-1990 (11.70)

Patterns of economic development and patterns of rural-urban migration in China (65.8)

Population in trans-border regions: The Southern California-Baja California urban system (11.78)

Population mobility and indigenous peoples: The view from Australia (94.14)

Sarcelles today: From the dormitory-town to "communities"? (01.36)

Should the capital be moved? (96.5)

Some models for patterns of urbanization, migration and development (36.7)

Some observations on migration from rural areas: An evaluation of generalized inflated geometric distribution (36.11)

Some problems in the socio-economical and historical analysis of a new town - Borne Sulinowo (90.28)

The "rue des Rosiers" or the reappropriated memory (01.39)

The appeal of medium cities (24.13)

The geographic scope of migration in Mexico City (24.20)

The migration pattern on Chinese mainland after mid-1980 (60.7)

Urban differential growth and migration in Argentina: Changes in trends since 1970 (40.1).


A conceptual model of career occupational mobility in an industrializing society: The case of Korea (33.10)

A study of the health status of female construction workers in Metropolitan Bangkok (96.8)

Bolivians in Buenos Aires: Their occupational and cultural integration (40.2)

Bread and tea: A study of the integration of low-income immigrants from other Caribbean territories into Trinidad (11.77)

Early retirement or prolonged working life? Aspirations of unionized professionals aged 50 years and over (07.16)

Family planning and women's lives: The Malaysian case (95.6)

Finding good opportunities within unauthorized markets: U.S. occupational mobility for male Latino workers (11.73)

Foreign labour in a context of unemployment (01.44)

Frontier migration and employment in Argentina: Facts and questions (40.25)

Immigrants and trade opportunities in São Paulo. The Syrian and Lebanese (40.19)

Immigrants and work in Lombardy. Towards resolving the issue of dual inequality (50.10)

Immigration and entrepreneurship the Chinese small business in France (01.46)

Immigration and labour: Australian and Canada compared (40.24)

International labour migration. Policy options for sending and receiving countries (50.1)

Interrelationships between cultural aspects and employment determinants in the integration of immigrants (50.16)

Italian border workers in the Swiss canton of Tessin (50.7)

Japanese immigration in Brazil. A story of social upward mobility (40.20)

Job, family, and gender: Determinants of nonstandard work schedules among employed Americans in 1991 (09.34)

Korean workers in the Argentine labour market (40.26)

Labor immigration and capital flows: Long-term Australian, Canadian and United States experiences (11.74)

Labor market issues in Indonesia: An analysis in a globalization context (95.4)

Labor migration as a prelude to World War I (11.72)

Labour crunch, foreign workers and policy responses: The experience of Japan (51.35)

Labour market incorporation of young migrants and young people from a foreign origin (01.47)

Labour markets, community, family: A gendered analysis of the process of insertion and acculturation (40.23)

Measuring economically active population in Mexico in the early nineties (24.19)

Mobility, love and vulnerability: Sexua1 lifestyles of young and single factory workers in Thailand (94.7)

Occupational activity of Portuguese immigrants in France (01.45)

Policy tasks for the extension of retirement: Age and the promotion of continuous employment of the paid older workers (34.9)

Programmes encouraging early retirement: Business strategies and individual options (07.18)

Social context, household composition and employment among migrant and nonmigrant Dominican women (11.57)

Social-occupational mobility of Jews at Villarino, Argentina, 1905-1950 (40.27)

Socio-economic differences in mortality. A life course approach (65.7)

Spanish immigrants in Brazil (40.17)

The casualties of Canada's dualist pension policy (07.15)

The dual strategy: Motherhood and the work contract in Scandinavia (65.10)

The employment of married women in Taiwan: Its patterns and causes (60.5)

The immigration and integration of Polish Jews in Brazil, 1920-1935 (40.5)

The middleman minority characteristics of Korean immigrants in the United States (33.2)

Transformations in the transition between work activity and retirement in Europe: New stakes for social security (07.14)

Turkish immigrants in Western Europe and, more specifically, in Germany (50.15)

Unintended consequences of immigration reform: Discrimination and Hispanic employment (09.36)

Urban aspects of labor force migration: The situation in the countries of origin (24.21)

West Indian women overseas (01.55)

Workers from non-European Union countries in Italy: A review of the literature and an attempt at verifying some hypotheses (50.9).


Admission criteria and immigrant earnings profiles (11.64)

Aggregate population and economic growth correlations: The role of the components of demographic change (09.32)

Analysis of trends in inter-prefectural migration in Japan, 1954-1993 (32.5)

Are we close to saturation? A demographic approach to the number of cars per household in three urban regions (46.0)

Assessing poverty. Some reflexions on the literature (89.18)

Daily migration of Poland's rural population in the country's new socio-economic context (69.7)

Demographic perspectives and forecasts of the demand for electricity (07.11)

Demographics and the potential demand for housing: A cohort approach (07.10)

Demography and aging: Long term effects of divorce, early widowhood, and migration on resources and integration in old age (33.8)

Development and regional urbanization in Mexico, 1970-1990 (24.22)

Development strategies for the silver industry in Korea (34.8)

Elderly poverty alleviation through living with family (89.19)

Emigration and living standards in Ireland since the Famine (89.20)

Entrepreneurial behavior in an immigrant colony. The experience of San Francisco's Italian-Americans 1850-1940 (50.6)

Foreign labour in a context of unemployment (01.44)

From sailboat to steamship: Vessel modernization and Galician emigation to America, 1835-1939 (40.11)

Gender differences in income amount and composition of American elderly (34.6)

How the change in Poland's economic system is perceived. The adaptation strategies of Polish men and women in the transition period (69.4)

Immigrant small business and international economic linkage: A case of the Korean wig business in Los Angeles, 1968-1977 (11.61)

Japan's growing economic activities and the attainment patterns of foreign-born Japanese workers in the United States, 1979 to 1989 (11.62)

Labor immigration and capital flows: Long-term Australian, Canadian and United States experiences (11.74)

Labor market issues in Indonesia: An analysis in a globalization context (95.4)

Living arrangements and economic support for the elderly in Taiwan (60.3)

Living conditions and the unsatisfied requirements of students' families at the Warsaw School of Economy (69.3)

Marital status and earnings in developed countries (89.17)

Metropolitan characteristics and entrepreneurship among immigrants and ethnic groups in Canada (11.67)

Migradollars and development: A reconsideration of the Mexican case (11.58)

Migration, urbanization, and economic development in India (95.7)

Occupational attainments of rural to urban temporary economic migrants in China, 1985-1990 (11.70)

Patterns of economic development and patterns of rural-urban migration in China (65.8)

Population and human development in the ASEAN countries, Indochina and Myanmar (96.9)

Population change, lifestyle, and technology: How much difference can they make? (17.18)

Self-selection, earnings and Chicano migration: Differences between return and onward migrants (11.76)

Some models for patterns of urbanization, migration and development (36.7)

The appeal of medium cities (24.13)

The distribution of people from foreign origin in France (01.32)

The value of children at the advent of fertility decline in Java (95.8)

Women bankers: Families of Southern Italians who emigrated to Argentina and transfers of money prior to 1930. The Molfetta example (50.5).


Age at marriage and the first birth interval: The emerging change in sexual behavior among young couples in China (17.17)

Ageing in the United States at the end of the century (33.6)

Aging in the United Kingdom: A review of demographic trends, recent policy developments and care provision (33.4)

An analysis of life satisfaction determinants among elderly persons in Korea (34.5)

Assessing poverty. Some reflexions on the literature (89.18)

Between speech and action: Migration policy in Argentina and Syrian and Lebanese immigrants (50.3)

Black African families in Paris area: From the "ethnic", category to the concrete "African" groups (01.37)

Children's schooling in sub-Saharan Africa: The role of fathers, mothers, and others (17.16)

Chinese or New Zealander? Differential paths of adaptation of Hong Kong Chinese adolescent immigrants in New Zealand (81.2)

Components of refugee adaptation (11.66)

Demographic variables and social dependency: Annual and intergenerational comparisons (07.17)

Dependency structure of the elderly: An examination of women's social position in Taiwan (60.4)

Developing a culturally appropriate family planning program for the Navrongo experiment (18.38)

East German fertility after unification: Crisis or adaptation? (17.19)

Ethnic concentration in French-language schools on the island of Montreal: A statistical portrait (07.19)

Ethnicity, identities, and migrations of the German-speaking settlers in Misiones, Argentina (40.8)

Families between France and Portugal (01.52)

Foreigners in local politics. A case study on town polls in the Villarino district (province of Buenos Aires) (40.10)

France in the transnational Turkish space (01.56)

Gender, values, and intentions to more in rural Thailand (11.69)

German immigration in Brazil and Brazilian colonization policy (40.16)

Guinea-Bissau: What women know about the risks. An anthropoligical study (77.9)

Immigrant characteristics and Hispanic-Anglo housing inequality (09.35)

Immigrants' children schooling in the educational district of Versailles: In search of context effects (01.48)

Immigrants and origin territory: The Portuguese village (01.53)

Immigrants and trade opportunities in São Paulo. The Syrian and Lebanese (40.19)

Immigration, mutualism and identity: São Paulo, 1890-1935 (40.22)

Innovative strategies for comparative aging research (33.3)

Interrelationships between cultural aspects and employment determinants in the integration of immigrants (50.16)

Italians in Campana (1875-1895). Political power and economic power of an immigrant group: A case study (40.4)

Italians in São Paulo. Dimensions of Italian immigration in São Paulo in 1920 (40.18)

Japanese immigration in Brazil. A story of social upward mobility (40.20)

Lao People's Democratic Republic: Maternal mortality and female mortality. Causes of death (77.10)

Life and image of Jews in Brazil: Questions and inferences (40.14)

Living arrangements and economic support for the elderly in Taiwan (60.3)

Maternal education and health-related behaviors: A preliminary analysis of the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey (95.2)

Mexico: Maternal death, fertility patterns, and social cost. An anthropoligical study (77.11)

Migration strategies and ethnic networks: the people of Burkina-Faso and Senegal in Italy (50.13)

Mixed couples in France (01.43)

Mutual-social action of Spanish migrant associations: A historical explanation (40.12)

Nationality, birth place and other approaches: Comparative relevance to analyze schooling in France (01.27)

Network approach on the study of urban communities (24.14)

Old-age support system and policy reform in China (33.7)

Population and human development in the ASEAN countries, Indochina and Myanmar (96.9)

Population change, lifestyle, and technology: How much difference can they make? (17.18)

Primary social networks, spatial mobility and social integration of immigrants in Argentina. The French in Tandil, 1850-1914 (40.9)

Refugees and myths: A systematic review of the debate on the multi-cultural society (50.4)

Religious and ethnic structure of Lvov in the years 1857-1931 (90.24)

Shaping the nation state: Ethnicity, class and the New Population Policy in Singapore (94.10)

Son preference in Vietnam (18.39)

Sport used as a means of integrating immigrants' Children (01.49)

Territories and memory: Armenians in the Paris region (01.41)

The "Baedeker of progress": Italian visitors and model institutions in Buenos Aires, 1907-1910 (40.13)

The "rue des Rosiers" or the reappropriated memory (01.39)

The abilities of the aged to participate in various activities in Thailand: Research result (96.2)

The acquisition of language skills by immigrants: The case of Hebrew in Israel (51.32)

The casualties of Canada's dualist pension policy (07.15)

The circular migration of Puerto Rican women: Towards a gendered explanation (51.33)

The demographic factor in Ireland's movement towards partition (1697-1921) (46.21)

The effect of demographic change on higher education 1985-1995. An attempt at an explanation (46.23)

The fertility transition in Iran (46.20)

The invisible remittances. Some notes on the socio-political incidence of overseas migration in Galicia (1890-1930) (40.3)

The Portuguese Community of Cerizay (01.38)

The presence of foreigners and intercultural education initiatives in primary schools in Trentin (50.8)

The role of religion in the construction of the small family norm in Java, Indonesia (95.5)

The violin that would only play Polish. From stigma to the re-making of identity among the Poles in Paraná (40.15)

Transformations in the transition between work activity and retirement in Europe: New stakes for social security (07.14)

Two sides of the same coin: The recreation of racial prejudice and national prejudice in the República Velha (40.21)

Understanding aging in Korea (33.9)

Wheat, women, worldviews. Social history of the Mennonites in Western Canada and the American Midwest, 1850-1975 (40.8).


Adaptation of domestic units in a regional urban system: The case of the central valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico (24.15)

Population change, lifestyle, and technology: How much difference can they make? (17.18)

Socio-economic development and demographic aspects of deforestation in Thailand (96.6).


25. MORTALITY (Methodology)

A modified procedure for calculating person years of life lost (36.1)

A new approach for evaluating the coverage rate of deaths (07.13)

Boundary condition sets limits on Brass's model life table parameters (08.30)

Conceptual problems of adult mortality observation in Africa (92.11)

Continuing the search for a law of mortality (17.15)

Principal components analysis of the logits of the survivorship function (36.8).

26. NUPTIALITY (Methodology)

A model that fits female age at first marriage in a traditional society (36.6)

Dissolution of marriage and union in Québec: An economic model of duration (08.27).


28. MISCELLANEOUS (Methodology)

A conceptual model of career occupational mobility in an industrializing society: The case of Korea (33.10)

Analysing home-ownership of couples: The effect of selecting couples at the time of the survey (65.11)

Asia on the move: Research challenges for population geography (94.11)

Computer system for reconstitution of families, households and local communities in pre-partitioned Poland. General premises (90.31)

Italian surnames and Italian migration to France 1891-1940 (46.22)

Migration statistics in Germany: Sources, concepts and selected results (01.29)

Modelling on rural out-migration system: A probabilistic approach (33.11)

New research on the settling of the North American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries and some comments on migration in modern times (50.11)

On the estimates of the fecundability from inter-live birth interval data (36.9)

Some observations on migration from rural areas: An evaluation of generalized inflated geometric distribution (36.11)

State and church regulations concerning church birth, marriage and death registers in the territory of Poland annexed by Austria, 1772-1914 (90.29)

Statistical Survey Sources about Immigrated Persons in France (01.25)

Statistical systems and sources used in recent researches on immigration in the United States (01.28)

The "Geographic mobility and social integration" survey: A challenge to customary practice in the French data production (01.26)

The dynamic household as a logical concept and its use in demography (65.14)

Thirteen years of thinking: From population history to historical demography (France 1945-1958) (46.24).


Components of refugee adaptation (11.66)

Factors influencing the policy responses of host governments to mass refugee influxes (11.65)

How nation-states create and respond to refugee flows (11.79).

30. MISCELLANEOUS (Other themes)

A theologian turned demographer: Introdution to J-F. Sussmilch, his readers and his method (46.0)

Establishment of the Warsaw Statistical Committee (90.30)

Historical and demographic research in Poland (90.16)

How the change in Poland's economic system is perceived. The adaptation strategies of Polish men and women in the transition period (69.4)

Information dissemination on population (96.3)

Migration and its risks (11.80)

Nutritional status of refugee children: The case of Liberians in Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire and Somalians in Ethiopia (92.13)

Perón and the entry of German technicians and nazi collaborators, 1947-1949: A case of chain migration (40.8)

Population mobility and indigenous peoples: The view from Australia (94.14)

Post-war research in the demographic development of the Silesia population to the end of the 19th century (90.17)

Soviet repression of the Poles on the Eastern border during the Second World War (69.8)

Statistics of population and demographic development of the Congress Kingdom of Poland 1815-1900 (90.18)

The different factors which affect the utilisation of hospital resources by in-patients of a large general city hospital (29.12)

The diversity of reproductive trajectories and the institutional interactions (24.18)

The social factors of family pathology (69.5).

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